Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Not sure where I left off...

I feel like a roller coaster when it comes to my eating, and my health in general.

Some days I'm super committed and some days I see a chocolate croissant and mow it like no one's watching. I was doing really well for a while, and then I had a majorly busy and un-routine week. When I'm not prepared, I easily cave. When I'm really hungry, I think something like this..."well, I don't want to starve myself, that's equally as unhealthy. I'll get some food in me and start again later."

There's nothing really wrong with that if it only happened a few times, but it's been a full week of that! Luckily, my body is not having it. I can simply NOT eat whatever I want now. My body reacts harshly to sugar. My body reacts violently to dairy. My body gets tired and headache-y when I don't drink water.

It's like I can suddenly hear the voice of my body when I couldn't before. Maybe I wasn't asking before.

Anyway, I'm feeling a little down about it all and I really need some moral support and practical help. If any of you who read this want to call or text me encouragements, I know that would help me. I obviously can't do it by myself.

I'm NOT feeling condemned, but I'm picking back up again and starting where I left off.


Also, I posted an aaliyah song. I love it.

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