Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 16

I wrote my WHOLE post and then it deleted. I'm so annoyed! Maybe I'll just post a picture of myself and go eat a cookie. No, I'll just re write it and hope I remember it all. 

Anyway, here's a picture of me a few minutes ago when i was happy.

So I know I'm not showing too much, but those little dill pickles are definitely in there and making my belly hard and round. Before I could kinda squish myself into pants, but now it's like trying to put a size 4 on a size 8 statue. 

I have graduated into my maternity leggings and dresses, actually who am I kidding, I bought maternity leggings back in November and never looked back. It's never too soon to dress in maternity clothing, AMIRIGHT? No muffin top. (Although the top is the best part of the muffin)

We went to an OB last week and saw our little buddies moving around! They're so alive and active! Right now they're head toe, so one keeps getting kicked in the head. Well, baby, get used to it. Your brother or sister will probably never stop doing that. At least, when no one is looking so you can't prove it.

It doesn't feel real sometimes, because I can't feel them moving yet. I should any day now, but maybe I should be thankful for this time pre-insidepunching. They're going to be making me extremely uncomfortable in the next few months. I guess I can wait. 

Oh also my feet are swelling a little, it's pretty cute. My feet didn't fit in my shoes after the Super Bowl party. Maybe I sat around and ate too hard. 

I like to say that I have 3 brains now, although that would make you think I could remember words I need on a regular basis like "envelope" or "balance." Those words would come in handy working at a bank as a teller, but somehow they escape me. Every. Time.

"Thanks for coming in, here's your amountofmoneyinyouraccount, would you like a paperthingthatholdsmoney?"

All in all, with the body changes, brain farts and slight sickness, I am very fortunate to have these little twinkles coming! I can't wait to hug them and put them in matching outfits and watch Tim be their dad. How does one girl get so much favor? I'm so thankful. 

Until next week! (reporting from Arizona!)

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