Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day #Forever

I think technically I'm on day 41.

RED FLAG! I've been finding myself not really eating.

Since I have been a bit busier, and I don't really crave much of anything anymore, I've noticed I'll go almost all day and not eat more than one big meal.

This is simply NOT OK.  I don't want to develop an eating disorder, so I've asked my roommates to keep me accountable. I have never had this problem before. It really shows the difference in my body. I don't really crave much of anything anymore since my body is not addicted to sugar!

This is a good and a scary place to be. I have to be more intentional about feeding myself enough.

A diet isn't just about what you DON'T eat, it's about what you DO eat.

My body needs balance. That doesn't just mean not eating things. That means eating more of things that my body likes! I thought just following the yeast free diet would force me to eat well, and that would be all I needed. Turns out it's really only the beginning of it. The first half was getting rid of bad, the other half is replacing it with good.

Overall I feel great, and I keep finding out that I am capable of doing things I thought I couldn't. For example, the other day after class was over, me and my friend discovered we were going the same way on our bikes. Hhe asked if I wanted to ride together.

What I wanted to say was:

What I actually said was, "Yes! That'd be great!"

On the inside I was scared I wasn't capable, but I really wanted to have company because I love doing stuff with friends, especially a bike ride! How cute! I took a risk and we left toward my work. Turns out my body was totally fine, I conquered all the hills with no sweat (well, yes a little sweat) and even if he was going slower because of me, I didn't know. When we got to my work (well, the Starbucks next to it) I was SO proud of myself, and I am now not so scared to share a bike ride with a friend. In fact, I was so proud of myself and how my body reacted to exercise with someone else that I decided to do it as much as possible. I bought a bike helmet and light and now I will ride that sucker as much as possible (as long as it's not monsoon-ing)

My body probably could have done that last month, but I didn't THINK it could. Losing a few lbs, and fueling my body with stuff it can use has boosted my confidence in my ability and has shown me that I'm capable of more than I thought.

You can find me riding my bike most days now, and I love it! (minus the helmet hair, YUCK)

WELP, I better go eat. Time to chug some unsweetened apple sauce for lunch. Yes, I drink it out of the jar.


  1. Nice~ Bikes Rock and so does Apwielle! What a problem to have huh? NOT hungry. I bet you feel greAT! Proud~~~~oh and yes eat...

  2. Nice! Careful with that applesauce, though...maybe only have 1/2 cup a day!
