Why is listening to your body the hardest thing ever?
I'm pondering the question so hard right now.
I like to call this the m&m theory, or actually the mini m&m theory:
When you see a big bucket of mini m&m's you could say with confidence, I shouldn't eat all that.
When you see one little teeny tiny weeny woony mini m&m you think, eh what's the big deal?
Also if I eat it really fast it's like I didn't eat it at all! (I'm pretty sure my step mom Molly said that.)
Every day since I was conscious enough to know how I felt I have been ignoring my body and what it's trying to tell me! I JUST realized I'm lactose intolerant. I'm 27.
Every day is made up of a bunch of tiny decisions, mini m&m size decisions. Sometimes it feels like those decisions don't matter, but when we add up all the little decisions the sum of all those decisions is one BIG decision.
That big decision is to ignore and disregard my body. It's my ONLY ONE. I take care of my clothes better than I do my body!
ok ok ok, why I really started this blog is so I can start from TODAY and record what my body is telling me. I want to figure out the way that this machine really runs. I know a lot needs fixing and fine tuning, but I ignored it for so long I can't help but be SO curious as to what I would feel like if everything was working correctly in me! Who will I be? Will I be able to work out and not want to die? Will I wake up with energy? Will i sleep better? wake up earlier? This is getting kinda more exciting!! Stay tuned.
Here's a list for comparison sake of the stuff that's "wrong" with me. I don't actually know if these things are not normal because I may have never been normal. If nothing changes I guess I've always been perfect! Great!
Dairy intolerance: I get super sick when I have diary, almost immediately I am running to the bathroom and then spending the whole night hoping no one can hear through the walls of my room when i go to bed, because of the massive air pockets that form in my stomach.
Sugar intolerance: well, my body doesn't like sugar. My chest breaks out, i get all tired and puffy, my skin reacts with spots!
Mass dental work to get done:
Symptoms: My teeth are sensitive, I can only chew on one side, i can't drink iced anything, I'm afraid to eat crunchy stuff. I generally worry about my teeth.
I'm overweight: I took a body science test and for my height and build, I should be around 190 lbs. I think I'm like 215 right now. I've never been thin, so I don't know how I "should" feel!
Symptoms: I get tired easily, I feel uncomfortable running or playing sports, I change shape all the time so I never know if my clothes are going to fit. My back hurts a lot and goes out if I'm not careful.
From past injuries, I have different joint issues. My knees crackle and sound like they're grinding when I go upstairs or bend them at all. My jaw pops and locks. (oh heyyyy, pop lock and drop it! Mostly it's just pop, lock and drop my food.)
Today, I am choosing to stop having dairy and sugar! (im so scared) let's see how I change!
I will make the conscious effort to remember my little decisions add up to one big one.
Keep tuned in for how my body changes. ooh, ill take some pics.
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ReplyDeleteYeah girl get it! Sugar is a bloater. I am dairy intolerant as well. I am sleepy. I have crackly knees. All of your symptoms are connected, you've got full-on systemic probs. Check into candida. See my doctor, she rules!!! It's good to do no sugar and no dairy and various no-this no-that type diets, and you will feel better and lose weight, but it's not sustainable, and you will rely mostly on will power. I really, solidly believe that you have to find out exactly what you are allergic/intolerant to so you don't have to keep taking stabs in the dark for years and waste a bunch of time. I know all about it, trust me. Also, getting the skinny from the doc just lays it all out there, no more guess work. It's such a relief. You're on the right track!
ReplyDeleteAlso, pics!!! Show us your acne and bloating! We're all friends here, and also it's fun to keep track of the changes.
ReplyDeleteLooking it in the face and saying "I'm not going to keep doing this anymore" is brave. I'm proud of you, and inspired. I had given up soda for months, and then I had two this week. Dang it. I'm trying to get all the artificial sweetener out of my diet too. Thanks for the inspiration to keep going! Looking forward to hearing how things go for you.
ReplyDeleteApwielle. I'm scared too I think. I fiiiinally wrote something sort of half azzed and am now waiting for the shakes. Facing what is wrong with me is hard. Thanks for writing this. I'll put more effort into my pages with pix and everything. I just think I'm a chicken sometimes. Working through it. Maybe that's why I painted all those rooms all those times. Finding colors to be a good way of getting a quick fix on perty without actually working on what's wrong with me. WE.CAN.DOOOOITTT!!!