5 1/2 months.
2 corn on the cobs.
2 humans.
There's no denying that I'm pregnant. I'm huge and I saw things in an ultrasound I could feel at the same time.
I keep thinking "this doesn't feel real!"
But does that even make sense?
I don't know how any other moms feel (still weird lumping myself into that category) but does it become "real" ever? Do we suddenly wake up and "feel" like moms? Or do I have a gross misconception about mothers I see and assume they have the "feeling" and are, from conception forth, a different person in a maternal way? Or is everybody just scrambling to figure it out and hope no one sees how "unqualified" they are, or rather, feel.
Maybe no one really knows the "right" way to raise children, and maybe that's the right way.
Deep stuff, man.
All I know is that inevitably these little things moving around inside of me are going to come out and I'm going to have to "feel" like their mom.
Just something I've been thinking about.
So here we are at 22 weeks!
March 5 was our ultrasound. It was 1:45 pm and I had ingested all the liquid necessary and was holding it in waiting for Tim to come get me from work. He arrived and I was just about ready to burst with excitement and possibly because of my full bladder.
We arrived at the doctors office right at 2:15 for our 2:30 appointment. I had timed it just right! We were about to see our little buddies and hopefully find out the gender too! I had been anticipating this ultrasound for a long time! I checked in and sat down.
Well, 2:30 rolls around and no one calls my name. 3:00 rolls around and the pregnant lady next to me is called in and they apologize telling her that they are slammed back there. I assumed at that point I was after her. So then 3:15...bladder practically exploding ...3:30... Sitting on my feet to keep it in....3:45...
Tim decided to go check on the status.
Apparently the lady NEVER CHECKED US IN!
I was so annoyed and had to pee so bad that I started crying in the waiting room right as the ultrasound lady came to get us.
"Oh great, a crazy lady and now I need to take care of her"
I just apologized for being hormonal and she said if I ever wait more than 15 minutes to check what's going on. Looks like I'm going to be that annoying customer now who always makes sure the customer service representative is doing their job correctly.
We finally arrived in the room right before 4 and once I layed down I was ok.
She asked me what I thought the genders were. I said "baby A is a girl and baby b is a boy" She smiled and replied "let's see if you're right!"
They were so big and moving so much! At one point it looked like baby b was sitting in the lap of baby a, it was so cool to see them and feel them at the same time!
The first one to show us was baby A. She is a little girl! I was right! I was so excited I pinched tims ear really hard. It was all I could reach. This would happen many many times throughout the ultrasound. She has all her limbs, heart beat is good, spine is straight, all that stuff. Healthy beautiful girl :)
Then we moved on to baby b.
This little sucker had its legs crossed. He was fully lounging. We checked his head and all the other necessary things, and then since he wasn't showing the goods, she had me go to the bathroom and move around.
Best bathroom break ever.
Finally we saw it front and center. He in fact was a HE! It felt so good to be SO right. I should start gambling. Wait, no.
We celebrated by having burgers. In fact we celebrate a lot of things by having burgers. We just like burgers.
Other than that exciting news, they have been moving a LOT and I'm getting bigger by the day! I waddle now a little since my legs and back are loosening up. It seems like loosening would feel good but it kinda hurts.
I think it's time to get a pair of shoes a size bigger too. There have been a number of times I've made Tim get the car because I can't fit my shoes back on my feet when we leave someone's house.
My ankles fold over sometimes.
Oh yeah and I had an OB appointment and she said I am doing great, babies are doing great, and for a "high risk" pregnancy I am low risk! Just praying these babies get in the right position to come out smoothly and they stay in for as long as they want!
Hopefully next time I won't wait so long to post :/