Monday, January 26, 2015

15 weeks

It's 9:50 am. Church starts at 10 am. 

"Tim, can I cut my hair off right now?"


I would like to say that in that moment I was taken over by hormones and hot flashes making me cut it off or die. I think that was my excuse at the time, but the truth is I have done this a million times before. I just took advantage of the fact that my hair grows INSANELY fast right now, and not just on my head. I have to shave like every other day (or not) AMIRIGHT pregnant ladies?

So I'm at week 15. I have 2 little avocados in there making my stomach grow slowly but surely. Everyday I wake up and it's a little harder and sometimes it's off to the side a little! 

I can't feel any kicking yet, which surprises me because there are 2 little movers in there! In the ultrasound, baby A has its arms up next to its head like it's doing the salt and pepa dance to "push it"

See! If you can tell what's going on there, on the left is the scary face and baby is laying on its side, belly going to the right, lounging with its elbows up. Straight up dancing.

And this is baby B looking like an alien

So far Baby A has been in the spotlight every ultrasound, dancing and jumping for the camera. Baby B has been hiding a little and looking annoyed with Baby A. I'm not sure if that's a picture of what's to come. 

I can't remember if I mentioned this in my last post (sometimes I can't remember normal things) but my due date is July 18. That is 40 weeks, but they say to expect twins 3-4 weeks earlier. So, we're going to have babies literally 9 months after we got married! Last year at the 4th of July party we joked about "next year when I'm super pregnant" be careful what you joke about! We also joked about seeing "how many" we're in there before our first ultrasound...

Wouldn't it be so funny if someone gave us a house to live in? Hahahaha...ha...ha...

In 3 weeks we are taking a huge leap into grown-up-hood. We're picking up our MINI VAN!

Now, most people cringe when they realize they have to move up to mini van status, but I have been dreaming of this day for a long time! Even before I was married or pregnant. 

I LOVE vans! 

One of my first vehicles was a van and it is just so useful! You can not deny the convenience of a minivan, and the style isn't that bad either. Everyone get over it and embrace the vehicle designed to make your life extremely easy and roomy. I promise, Honda is not paying me to say this, but I wouldn't be mad if they sent me a free Odyssey. 

Just imagine all the goodwill finds you can just go ahead and take home with you! Imagine the cool garage sale you can treasure hunt with ease! All of this, and my babies fit too. Booyah.

Overall, week 15 has been a breeze, here's for hoping the rest of the weeks are this easy 😁 (injesusnameamen)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Pregnancy up to week 14

The last time I wrote on this blog my life was very different.
Before I was trying to lose weight and now I'm trying to gain it.

Quick timeline of my life since last year as it pertains to this blog post

February 15, 2014: first date with Tim Norris
June 5, 2014: got engaged to Tim Norris
October 4, 2014: got married to Tim Norris
October 25-27ish, 2014: got pregnant
December 31, 2014: found out it was TWINS

So....2014 was pretty cool I guess.

I won't spend a lot of time catching you up on the pregnancy thus far, it's been pretty tame. I will tell a few highlights that I think are pretty funny.

I cry all the time, one time Tim accidentally scared me and I started crying. Also, I cried watching Hook, Annie, and Hunger Games. Like sobbing uncontrollable hot mess type crying. That's just the beginning. I could write a whole blog called #whyisaprilcrying. It would be full. Poor Tim.

I haven't been sick really, sometimes my favorite foods make me gag, and foods I've never wanted to eat are the only things I can stomach. For the first few weeks I only wanted Starbucks breakfast sandwiches and Cheerios. Now I don't want either ever again. Other stuff makes me gag, like hearing someone spit or brushing my teeth.

Moms, please don't hate me for not having morning sickness, I promise I'm trying my hardest!

The day we found out we were having twins was an unbelievable day.

We went in for our first ultrasound when I was at 12 weeks. The midwife was really nice. She smelled like coffee and I was so jealous. It was probably even Folgers. Too bad my bladder was more full than it had ever been.

We joked about seeing how many were in there.

She pulled out the Doppler to listen for the heartbeat...and there was nothing.

She told us not to worry, the baby was probably just hiding or I had a tipped uterus or something. I was like, "you don't know nothin about my uterus"

Then she pulled in the robot machine to take a look. At this point we were a little nervous because what if there was no more baby? What if the test was wrong? What if? 

So she squirted the extremely cold gel on my belly (I was the first patient so it hadn't had time to warm up) and we got a glimpse of what was inside of me. 

She looked and looked and then looked concerned and confused. She took the screen away and told us she needed to look at it alone. She was pressing the wand thing into my bladder and making a face we didn't like, but then after what seemed like 10 years she said "a-ha!" And turned it back toward us.

"I understand now, see this line? This is the separation between 2 sacs. Here is the first baby and here is the second baby!"


Then both of our jaws hit the ground. We were laughing and crying, the kind of nervous laugh that makes it sound like you're happy when you're not sure if you are. I looked over at Tim and a single tear was falling down his face. Then he asked for a chair.

We sat in shock for a while and the midwife congratulated us and sent us to radiology to get another ultrasound, but I had to go to work. So I went to work.

That was 2 weeks ago and we're still reeling. This changes everything! We had a plan! WE HAD IT ALL FIGURED OUT! 

Alas, just like everything in our marriage so far, we have to trust God in the unexpected times. We have to know that His plan is best even if we are scared or overwhelmed. We also are privileged to jump in the river and see where it takes us! 

Wanna know what made me suddenly ok with all of this? It's a love that was put inside me long ago. A love for matching outfits. Thank you, Lord.

I'll post a picture next time, I don't look any different yet, my stomach is just harder.